Saturday 7 September 2013

FAITH & RELIGION: The Purpose of His coming

Pastor Adams
Pastor Ali Adams

“Behold a virgin shall be with a child and shall bring forth a son and they shall call his name Immanuel which being interpreted God with us”, (Matt. 1:23).

One of the main purposes why He came is to be with us. He has come to be with us, in time of trouble, sickness, lack, poverty, etc. He has promised not to leave us alone nor abandon us. “Lo, I am with you always”. This abiding character motivates me to be more committed to Him, to serve Him continually.

You may choose to be with Him always and He with you always, if you and Him are in harmony. Walking in His ways and doing His will continually draw His presence to you. You can be full of God’s presence as promised but iniquity in all ramifications should be dealt with. Put away sin from your life, live for Christ and for Him alone.

We need Christ in every moment of our lives to coordinate, to reshape, to re-organize, re-vitalize and stabilize our spiritual lives. When all these are done by Christ, we are stabilized to serve Him with freedom. Somebody needs Him, which is why He came to be with us, that is why we must open up to Him.

“Behold I stand at the door and knock, if any man hear my voice and openeth the door, I will come in to him and sup with him and he with me” (Rev. 3:20). No intimacy is more than this type of mind-absorbing welcome, for Him to be with us. There is a need to open the door of our heart to enable Him enter in, at the right time. Many hear the knocking; they don’t understand who is knocking. Others hear the knocking and they recognize the voice yet refuse to open, why? “What if He comes in and discovers my filthiness, what about all those sins that lies up? What can I tell Him”? Their thoughts deceive them. Oh evil generation, how long can you stay in that life-wasting thought? Come out today, for your salvation is now.

What is your fear you? That your sins are uncountable? That is why He came! “And she shall bring forth a son and thou shall call his name Jesus for He shall save His people from sin” (Matt. 1:21).

As the legitimate father, Joseph would have given the name to Mary’s son but he was not permitted to choose the name, the angel rather told him that he was to name the child Jesus. This name was the Greek equivalent of the Hebrew name Joshua which also appeared in the Holy Bible, as Jehoshua or Jeshua. This name contains the Hebrew name for the God of Israel and the whole name means: “Jehovah is Salvation”. Christ would have born the name that describes His role as saviour – “He shall save His people from sin”.

In the dimension and full light of the New Testament revelation, it is transparent that God didn’t intend to restrict this promise one people. His people in the above quote signify all the people of the world who will accept Him (Jesus) as their Personal Lord and Saviour, whether Greek or Jews, black or white, educated or illiterate, tall or short. “Whosoever comes to Him will be saved from the eternal consequence s of the wrongs they have done.

(Pastor Ali Adams is a motivational Writer and the Presiding Pastor of Peculiar Chapel of Salvation, Mararaba Nasarawa State).

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